Forced Return Monitoring – NRW (GER)

Forced Return Monitoring at airports in North-Rhine Westphalia (GER)

The deportation monitors* are responsible for monitoring return measures. The monitoring is carried out in a participatory and independent manner. It includes return measures by air in the form of individual and collective deportations to countries of origin as well as transfers according to the Dublin III Regulation. The aim of the monitoring of deportations is to make the process and execution of these measures transparent and to uncover irregularities. It mediates between and networks all actors involved in the execution of deportation. These include, in particular, those affected by the deportation, employees of the Federal Police at the airport and the immigration authorities, lawyers, doctors and employees of counseling centers. Their observations are documented and reported to the Forum Flughäfen in NRW (FFiNW). This non-public body, consisting of governmental and non-governmental representatives, discusses and reflects on issues related to the execution of deportations.

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