Your support for the Human Right to Health Tribunal

We are an alliance of various human rights and health organisations, migrant self-organisations and activists who work together to defend the rights of migrants and refugees. Together with the Transnational Migrant Platform Europe we are organising the Berlin hearing of the 45th session of the Permanent Peoples‘ Tribunal. The Berlin hearing from 23-25 October 2020 addresses human rights violations in the area of health that migrants and refugees have experienced in Germany and/or in the context of the European asylum policy.

Our goals

With the Berlin hearing, we want to raise the public awareness for these developments. Migrants and refugees will be at the centre of the hearing as social actors, as witnesses and as part of migrant self-organisations working to change the conditions at the political level. 

In addition, the Tribunal serves to strengthen alliances between migrant organisations, refugee movements, social collectives, research institutions, academia and related actors. Our alliance aims to contribute to a just, anti-racist, social and climate-friendly society. For that, we will derive concrete proposals and demands from the Tribunal to promote and advocate for the human right to health of refugees and migrants.

We are collecting donations to finance simultaneous and consecutive interpreters during the hearing.

The donations will be used to finance the Tribunal, especially for the use of simultaneous and consecutive interpreters during the public hearing. Interpreters enable witnesses to present their accusation in their mother tongue. In addition, translation into several languages makes the trial accessible to a wider audience.

Donate now for our project on betterplace and support the Permanent Peoples Tribunal for #equalhealth4all!

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